why free courses won't take you much far!
in programming or Software Development.

Photo by Swenico on Unsplash

why free courses won't take you much far! in programming or Software Development.


3 min read

This is part-1 of my story of learning to code.

Part-2 comes after my internship.

Exposure to Coding:
How did I get exposed to coding? Recently, Elon Musk has become a hell of famous... I used to watch 10000s of videos about him and his biography, and when I heard he built a game and sold it to a company at $500 at the age of 13/14!... I thought of giving it a try. I started with code.org a non-profitable organisation which is intended to teach the basics of javascript ( as of my knowledge because I tried it) it was super cool with animation.

Code.org – Learn an hour of code | Blog of Leonid Mamchenkov

Mediocrity of Learning to Code:

Though I was happy, I knew this was not like creating complex websites... so I went on youtube. I found this channel "CodeWithHarry" which is taught by haris khan, I learned HTML, and JAVASCRIPT from his course but never `made a progress because I realized this is "bull shit" he provided no learning path for his courses which were, of course, free and hence "not worth it".

CodeWithHarry Net Worth, Income & Earnings (2023)

Actually learning to code and my Learning Paths:

As soon as I realized it I went to a youtube channel called
"programming with mosh" which I knew earlier because I learned some concepts from him when I didn't understand what codewithharry is teaching.
As soon as I went to his paid courses platform called "Code With Mosh",
he seemed way more professional than the earlier stuff I tried... starting with his JAVASCRIPT-2 advanced concepts and ending with The Ultimate Docker course.. where am i now? A backend engineer with an internship.

Homepage | Code with Mosh


Nothing is free in this world, you gotta pay the price for anything you want, paying $15 or even $100 is a cup of tea when you can change your whole life from this, remember that $ 100s investment can bring you a life-changing career! Some people don't take it serious about your life as you do! so choose wisely.

How I Became a Software Developer (without a Degree)

NOTE: I am not promoting anyone here, just my story... I have seen lots of other teachers out there like brad traversy or angela yu etc...

Image result for angela yu udemy

33 Best Materials to Learn Software Development in 2020 | CodeSpot


education can change your life... or I can even say educators change your life.
so make sure you choose the correct teacher and have a verified plan, not like me learning HTML, CSS, and vanilla javascript and forgetting them to learn the backend.

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